Verenigde Naties brengt postzegel uit van roze gezin

Wat een mooi bericht dat de Verenigde Naties vandaag een serie postzegels heeft uitgebracht voor gelijke homo-rechten voor homo’s, lesbiennes, bisexuelen en transgenders in het kader van de UN Free & Equal campagne. Eén van de zegels is een postzegel van een roze gezin.

“This issue promotes the UN Free & Equal campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality. The new stamps, which celebrate the diversity of the LGBT community, mark the first time that the UNPA has issued stamps with an LGBT theme.

An initiative of the UN Human Rights Office, Free & Equal is a global public education campaign dedicated to raising awareness of homophobic and transphobic violence and discrimination globally. Since its launch, the campaign has generated a stream of popular content and engaged millions of people in an effort to promote the fair treatment of LGBT people and generate support for measures to protect their rights.

Equality is a fundamental principle of human rights. All human beings – whoever they are, wherever they live, whomever they love – are entitled to enjoy the same basic rights, free from arbitrary interference. All States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, have a legal duty to promote and protect the human rights of all. LGBT people, like everyone else in the world, are entitled to live their lives free from fear, violence, discrimination and persecution.

UN Free & Equal recently celebrated two years of campaigning, in which the campaign’s message of acceptance and equality reached some two billion people. To learn more about the Free & Equal campaign, please visit”

Bron:, 5 februari 2016

Verenigde Naties brengt postzegel uit van roze gezin
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