Bi-lingual Dutch-English or Dutch-German: Experienced donor of healthy kids now open-minded for co-parenting (for example 85/15 schedule)

Hello single woman and female couples (especially if you live in south-eastern Netherlands),

I’m an experienced donor-plus from Germany (westernmost region), I already donated four times succesfully for Dutch lesbian woman, all kids are beautiful and healthy. I’m in contact with these kids and their families regulary and visit them few times a year in Provincies Utrecht (single woman with two boys) and Noord-Holland (female couple with two girls).

Now I want to move a step deeper, I think for example about co-parenting with an 85/15 or 90/10 schedule. You as lesbian couple or single woman should have the overwhelming share of custody and I have the smaller share. So I want to be involved with the child but have significantly less physical custody time (one day a week or two weekends in a month for example). Especially in the first years of the child’s life you should play the dominant role and during that time it may feel more like a donor-plus-constellation.
The child might be raised bi-lingually to a certain extent. “Mother” tounge Dutch. “Father” tounge English or German.

Information about me:
I’m 43 years old, younger looking, 1.85 m tall and sporty-slim. I don’t drink and I don’t smoke. I have been vegetarian almost all my life. I love animals, especially cats. I’m academic and in such good financial circumstances that I can afford to work part-time forever. I consider myself clearly “gay” (from youth on), but I also have “a-sexual” patterns (in a wider sense): I never had any intercourse with men (with woman neither) and I never have any longing for such intercourse. I had relationships with men, but it’s also okay for me to be single.
In Duitsland it’s difficult and risky (in civil law aspects) to realize a donor-plus-constellation or co-parenting, in the Netherlands that’s much easier and much more in common. So I never donated in Duitsland. Only in the Netherlands.
Seriously notarizing a contract has always been very important to me for donor-plus-constellations. For “co-parenting” notarizing would be important in a similar way.
I like people who are in cherishing connection with their own emotions and also cherish the feelings of other’s. That also includes direct and sincere expression of preferences, needs and, of course, also personal boundaries.
So let me go on this way:
I’m not an atheist, but quite “anti-religious”. It would be nice if you are quite “secular”. Baptizing might still be acceptable for me, nevertheless.
I love travelling, especially in Western Europe and North America. I prefer modern western countries and cultures (like the Dutch’s) over other countries and cultures.
I’m totally healthy and my sperm is of great quality, according to many checks.
Contact me further questions.
Perfect regions are Limburg or Gelderland, but ask me individually based on which distance we could find which form of agreement.

Bi-lingual Dutch-English or Dutch-German: Experienced donor of healthy kids now open-minded for co-parenting (for example 85/15 schedule)
Naam Daniel
Ik ben Homo man alleen
Ik zoek Lesbische vrouw alleen, Biseksuele vrouw alleen, Hetero vrouw alleen, Vrouwenstel
Mijn wens Co-ouderschap


Bi-lingual Dutch-English or Dutch-German: Experienced donor of healthy kids now open-minded for co-parenting (for example 85/15 schedule)

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