Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality: the role of family policies and exchange of good practices

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Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality: the role of family policies and exchange of good practices

Datum & tijd: 19 april 2016 - 20 april 2016 uur

COFACE, the Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union, in cooperation with the UN Focal Point on the Family (Division for Social Policy and Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs), is organising the international conference ‘Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality: the role of family policies and exchange of good practices’.

The conference will put a spotlight on the role of family policies in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and specifically engage in one of the most important and holistic targets of the SDGs: to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (Goal 5).

The new development agenda commits member states among other targets to adopt sound policies, recognize and value unpaid work and care through the provision of public services and the promotion of shared responsibility within the family.

Through this event, COFACE and the UN Focal Point on the Family, aim to translate cross-national goals and strategies into national context and to unveil how family policies contribute to the success of the SDGs.

The conference aims to provide a platform for exchange on good practices in family policies and practical solutions. We will not only look at how such horizontal policy transfer and exchange can happen, but the event will also foster future exchange and partnerships.

The conference will be organised on 19-20 April 2016 in Amsterdam, during the Dutch EU Presidency and the Informal Meeting of the EPSCO Council.

MdG: bezoek Coface voor meer informatie en aanmelding.

Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Equality: the role of family policies and exchange of good practices


19 april 2016
20 april 2016
Soort activiteit:
Activiteit van Coface


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